Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The concept of my company's product and how it relates to the target market

The target market for Sephora’s product line includes:

1) A mix of all different races to which they sell different cosmetics for different skin types.
2) Young women in their 20s who are experimenting with many different make-up products and combinations.
3) And to women in their 50s, who like to take care of their skin and prefer to wear a top designer fragrance.
They target the group of people who not only love beauty but are also willing to pay for it.

To appeal to these different target groups, Sephora:
1) Offers make-ups tailored to the specific needs of different races
2) Offers colorful make-up for the young woman in her 20's looking to experiment
3) And offers top designer's skin care and perfume to the 50 and over crowd.

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