Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ch.3 – Ethics & Social Responsibility

Sunday, September, 11, 2011   

Ch.3 – Ethics & Social Responsibility 

Environmental Consciousness in Store Design

Sephora uses an eco-friendly strategy with respect to the design of their stores.  How do they do this?

  1. They use FSC-certified wood flooring.
  2. They use fluorescent lightbulbs with LEDs for floor and wall display fixtures.
  3. This summer, Sephora scheduled the opening of its first store to apply for LEED certification.  Once this certification is obtained, this will drastically improve their public image as a green retailer.
  4. Stores utlilize Energy-Star compliant equipment and appliances and high efficiency plumbing fixtures reducing the retailer’s water usage by more than 40 percent.
  5. New store designs (like the Stonestown Galleria in San Francisco) adhere to the original black-and-white signature look of previous Sephora stores, but are said to use 15% less energy.
  6. They also recycled all materials from the fixture install, including the protective packaging used during shipping.

Green Product Lines

Sephora has a “Green” line of beauty products further enhancing their evolving image of environmental consciousness as well as product quality.  It is the company’s claim that:

  1. Internal quality standards include green consciousness and awareness.
  2. Green cosmetics use plant based ingredients implemented as essential oils and botanicals.
  3. Or Green cosmetics use 100% pure earth minerals – no dyes, detergents, chemicals, or fillers.
  4. For safety, labels advise consumers to test products on their skin themselves to avoid possible allergic reactions.

Donations to the Environment as a marketing Strategy

Sephora further enhances its image with a marketing strategy in which certain carefully positioned products advertise that for every purchase, donations to environmentally friendly causes will be made.  This is a way of further putting into the public’s mind, an image of civic responsibility.

By way of example:  For every Go Green Mini Slant Tweezer that is sold, a new tree will be planted and a dollar will be donated to the National Arbor Foundation, to support and strengthen our environment. These tweezers come in a box made from 100% post-consumer recycled paper and printed with soy ink.

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