Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ch. 8 - Segmenting and Targeting Markets.

Sephora has built up a positive image in the consumer's mind.

Sephora uses strategies for segmenting markets such as geographic segmentation, demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation. Geographically, Sephora has more than 750 stores in 17 countries including 16 retailing stores in Manhattan. Each store is located on a busy street, so there are more consumers to visit each one, potentially from a wide range of consumer demographics.  Their use of location to increase foot traffic can attract locals, travelers, tourists, and people from the general area who are just looking to go shopping, and these people can fit into many different demographics.

Sephora uses an eco-friendly strategy with respect to the design of their stores such as electricity-saving lampsFSC-certified wood flooring, etc. Their comprehensive product mix in 5 major categories' for their product line. These 5 major categories are makeup, brushes, tools and accessories, bath and body, and skin care.   The psychographic segments they appeal to range from the environmentally concsious to focusing in based on specific product categories women many be looking for, and then arranging these categories (like makeup or "tools and accessories") in an easy to find way to draw them in to their website or help them find what they are looking for within the Sephora store.

One to one marketing is an individualized marketing method that utilizes customer information to build long term, personalized and profitable relationships with each consumer.  At Sephora, the approach to "one to one marketing" is through a strategy they refer to as personalized selling. Sephora stores offer knowledgeable staff who, not only sell products to customers, but can also serve as advisors to them, building long term relationships in which consumers come back again and again to find these "personal advisors" waiting at each store to assist them each time they come in.

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