Friday, December 2, 2011

A projection for Sephora's future for 2012.

Sephora uses the web to extend its global reach.  For example, Sephora has a unique and different Facebook page for almost every country in which it conducts its business.  Because every country that the company does business is not represented by it own individual page, it is difficult to fully measure the company's reach. Here is a small sampling of countries featured on social networking sites:

  1. Sephora - Facebook Page for Malaysia
  2. Sephora - Facebook Page for Singapore
  3. Sephora - Facebook Page for Japan
  4. Sephora - Main Fan Page
It is now also possible buy any product directly from your phone or tablet.

Because of consumers' increased appetite to use mobile computing to shop, Sephora has been creating more website advertising and online shopping access to accomodate their customers' changing shopping habits.

In addition to facebook, Sephora also uses Youtube and Twitter, to provide customers with "how to" video, reviews and other forums to build their customer loyalty.